quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2021

The mismanagement of covid-19 data - [The Economist]

The magazine The Economist published the article “Brazil’s mismanagement of covid-19 threatens the world”. The title is enough to conclude the trend of the analyst evaluation — for sure, he is an opponent of Brazilian government. So, I posted a contrary opinion in the field ‘comment’ of the Economist Facebook.


An old teacher used to say: "Don't teach a monkey and a donkey! They can decide to think and act".

Brazil (215 million inhabitants) has fewer deaths by Covid than the United States (340 million inhabitants). 

It has a death toll similar to the sum of Germany, the United Kingdom and France (230 million inhabitants). 

And it has a death toll less than the sum of Argentina, Mexico and Colombia (250 million inhabitants). 

In addition, Brazil has reached a level of vaccination among the best most populous countries in the world.

The trained monkey and the donkey would say that the problem is the lethality of the virus and not of the public manager. 

Regardless of what my old teacher said, they would respond better than humans in bad faith and bandit supporters.



[Comment posted in the Facebook of the Economist on Apr 1st, 2021]


####################The mismanagement of covid-19 dataThe magazine The Economist published the article “Brazil’s mismanagement of covid-19 threatens the world”. The title is enough to conclude the trend of the analyst evaluation — for sure, he is an opponent of Brazilian government. So, I posted a contrary opinion in the field ‘comment’ of the Economist Facebook.


An old teacher used to say: "Don't teach a monkey and a donkey! They can decide to think and act".

Brazil (215 million inhabitants) has fewer deaths by Covid than the United States (340 million inhabitants). 

It has a death toll similar to the sum of Germany, the United Kingdom and France (230 million inhabitants). 

And it has a death toll less than the sum of Argentina, Mexico and Colombia (250 million inhabitants). 

In addition, Brazil has reached a level of vaccination among the best most populous countries in the world.

The trained monkey and the donkey would say that the problem is the lethality of the virus and not of the public manager. 

Regardless of what my old teacher said, they would respond better than humans in bad faith and bandit supporters.



[Comment posted in the Facebook of the Economist on Apr 1st, 2021]




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