Os jornais israelenses The Times of Israel e Jerusalem Post relataram que dois juízes da Suprema Corte do Irã foram mortos em um tiroteio no Palácio da Justiça em Teerã e um terceiro juiz ficou ferido. O autor do ataque se matou logo após o evento. Os dois magistrados — os aiatolás Mohammad Mogheiseh e Ali Razini — foram supostamente mortos por participarem das execuções em massa de dissidentes do regime muçulmano em 1988.
De acordo com artigos publicados nos citados jornais israelenses, naquele ano, após o fim da guerra Irã-Iraque — quando o líder supremo Ruhollah Khomeini aceitou um cessar-fogo patrocinado pela ONU — membros do grupo de oposição iraniano Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), armados por Saddam Hussein, cruzaram a fronteira e realizaram um ataque surpresa ao Irã. As forças iranianas repeliram o ataque, e as chamadas "Comissões da Morte" começaram a tentar executar prisioneiros e outros oponentes. Grupos internacionais estimam que cerca de 5.000 pessoas foram executadas, enquanto o MEK declarou que ocorreram cerca de 30.000 execuções.
Grupos de oposição ao regime iraniano acusaram Mogheiseh e Razini de fazerem parte das “Comissões da Morte”.
Nos tópicos a seguir, apresento os comentários, com pequenas diferenças no teor, postados em jornais israelenses (Jerusalem Post e The Times of Israel), americano (The New York Times) e brasileiros (Estadão, Folha de São Paulo e Gazeta do Povo).
Murders of Iran's Supreme Court Justices
Israeli newspapers The Times of Israel and Jerusalem Post reported that two justices of Iran's Supreme Court were killed in a shooting at the Palace of Justice in Tehran and a third justice was wounded. The perpetrator of the attack killed himself shortly after the event. The two magistrates — Ayatollahs Mohammad Mogheiseh and Ali Razini — were allegedly killed for taking part in the mass executions of dissidents of the Muslim regime in 1988.
According to articles published in Israeli newspapers, that year, after the end of the Iran-Iraq war — when Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini accepted a UN-sponsored ceasefire — members of the Iranian opposition group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), armed by Saddam Hussein, crossed the border and carried out a surprise attack on Iran. Iranian forces repelled the attack, and so-called “Death Commissions” proceeded to try and execute prisoners and other opponents. International groups estimate that around 5,000 people were executed, while the MEK has stated that the number was around 30,000.
Opposition groups to the Iranian regime have accused Mogheiseh and Razini of being part of the “Death Commissions.”
In the following topics, I present the comments I posted in Israeli, American and Brazilian newspapers.
The Times of Israel
Is the assassination of Supreme Court justices a solution to the ills of the Judiciary, the Executive Branch and/or society?
Are there precedents for attacks against members of the Judiciary in countries such as Israel, the United States and Brazil? If not, is this due to the prevalence of democracy?
After all, the primary goal of human beings is the pursuit of peace and harmony, which can only be achieved through democracy, whose foundations are Freedom, Truth, Courage and Ethics.
Therefore, it is imperative that the authorities of democratic countries do not stray from these imprescriptible postulates. It is mandatory that the organization of the Judiciary and the processes of investiture of its members be evaluated, improved and, when appropriate, transformed so that the “last argument of Democracy” (the Justice) is the basis for the political and social evolution of democracies, for the reaffirmation of fundamental values, for the construction of a better world and for the well-being of every citizen.
Jerusalem Post
The murder of magistrates in Tehran demands reflection!...
In countries such as Israel, the United States and Brazil, there is no precedent for attacks against members of the Judiciary. Is this due to the prevalence of democracy?
After all, the primary objective of human beings is the search for peace and harmony, which can only be achieved through democracy, whose foundations are Freedom, Truth, Courage and Ethics.
Therefore, it is imperative that the authorities of democratic countries do not stray from these imprescriptible postulates. It is mandatory that the organization of the Judiciary and the processes of investiture of its members be evaluated, improved and, when appropriate, transformed so that the “last argument of Democracy” (the Justice) is the basis for the political and social evolution of democracies and their permanence.
A reader replied to my comment. He posted a message in which he mentioned that I advocate war, and he advocates peace. Well, I let him know my thoughts.
The power of Justice is the Final Argument of Democracy. When conflict arises — and there is no solution between people or institutions — Justice intervenes and decides, as the final instance. I apologize for not explaining it clearly and easily. So, well-qualified judges are needed.
War!... Only when people and democracy are at risk, like in 1940 or on October 7, 2023. Don't forget the main thesis: Freedom, Truth, Courage and Ethics to support Democracy and seek Peace and Harmony. It's that simple.
New York Times
How will Mr. Trump deal with Iran, Hamas and others?
Regarding the media news about the assassination of two Supreme Court justices in Iran, it is worth questioning this issue.
In the history of the US, there have been assassinations of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy; and non-fatal attacks on Presidents Abraham Lincoln (9 months before his assassination), Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and George W. Bush; and an attack on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Does the alleged absence of attacks on judges in democratic countries mean that the judiciary functions well in these countries or simply that the prevalence of democracy leads to a predisposition to admire and respect the institution that should be the "last argument for democracy" among all citizens, especially extremists and those inclined to violence?
It is imperative that the authorities become aware of the relevance of the issues raised and act in accordance with the principles dictated by the universal values that support the construction of a better world for all human beings. And that judges act considering his own qualifications, the respective commitments and the unsurpassed impartiality so that peace and harmony are the fundamental objective, within the scope of the virtues of democracy.
Amidst these disconnected ideas, citizens around the world expect Mr. Trump to act with energy and determination to promote peace and harmony in the world and, above all, in the Middle East.
Facebook do New York Times
Iran, Hamas and Supreme Court
And now, what about Iran’s support for Hamas? Why, in addition to the crises generated by the Iranians abroad, are they also being generated at home?
Regarding the news published by newspapers The Israel Times and the Jerusalem Post about the assassination of two Supreme Court justices in Iran and the wounding of a third justice, it is worth questioning this issue in the context of democratic countries.
In the history of the United States, there have been (i) assassinations of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy; (ii) non-fatal attacks on Presidents Abraham Lincoln (9 months before his assassination), Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and George W. Bush; and (iii) an attack on then-presidential candidate Trump.
Does the alleged absence of attacks on judges in democratic countries mean that the judiciary works well in these countries or simply that the prevalence of democracy leads to a predisposition to admire and respect the institution that should be the “last argument of Democracy” among all citizens, especially extremists and those inclined to violence?
A propósito da investidura do Trump e das consequências para a democracia, convém refletir!...
Segundo os jornais "The Times of Israel" e "Jerusalem Post", em tiroteio no Palácio da Justiça de Teerã, dois magistrados da Suprema Corte do Irã foram mortos e um terceiro foi ferido. Felizmente, isso não ocorre nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil porque os dois países são democracias.
E, nesse contexto, o objetivo primacial do ente humano é a paz e a harmonia, só atingíveis na democracia, cujos alicerces são a Liberdade, a Verdade, a Coragem e a Ética.
Portanto, que as autoridades não se afastem desse postulado imprescritível.
Facebook da Folha de São Paulo
Posse de Trump na Casa Branca
A propósito da investidura do Sr. Donald Trump e das consequências para a democracia, convém refletir!...
Segundo os jornais "The Times of Israel" e "Jerusalem Post", em tiroteio no Palácio da Justiça de Teerã, dois magistrados da Suprema Corte do Irã foram mortos e um terceiro foi ferido.
Felizmente, isso não ocorre nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil porque os dois países são democracias. E, nesse contexto, o objetivo primacial do ente humano é a paz e a harmonia, só atingíveis na democracia, cujos alicerces são a Liberdade, a Verdade, a Coragem e a Ética.
Portanto, que as autoridades não se afastem desse postulado imprescritível.
Gazeta do Povo
Segundo os jornais "The Times of Israel" e "Jerusalem Post", em tiroteio no Palácio da Justiça de Teerã, dois magistrados da Suprema Corte do Irã foram mortos e um terceiro foi ferido.
Felizmente, isso não ocorre no Brasil porque somos uma democracia. O objetivo primacial do ente humano é a paz e harmonia, só atingível na democracia, cujos alicerces são a Liberdade, a Verdade, a Coragem e a Ética.
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